Eat (introduction of restaurants and cafes)

Relaxing cafe on the mountain

Granite Café

Rokko Garden Terrace

Today's business situation
受付時間外 11:00〜20:00
Attention icon

Important store notice

The entire menu has been renewed from March 16, 2024. We look forward to your visit.

store information

business hours

Saturday, March 16th to Friday, August 23rd *Closed on Thursdays

11:00-20:00 L.O.

*No regular holidays from April 27th (Saturday) to May 6th (Monday/holiday) and July 20th (Saturday) to August 23rd (Friday).

*Business hours during Golden Week and Obon period will be announced separately.

*When it is crowded, we may limit your seating to 90 minutes when entering the store.

※The image is an image. The tableware provided may change. Please note.

*Contents may change depending on the availability of ingredients. Please note.

Regular holiday

Saturday, March 16th to Friday, August 23rd *Closed on Thursdays

*No regular holidays from April 27th (Saturday) to May 6th (Monday/holiday) and July 20th (Saturday) to August 23rd (Friday).

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