「闘う女−複製1、2」2020年(彫刻の壊れ MA2Gallery)

袴田京太朗 / Kyotaro HAKAMATA
1987年 武蔵野美術大学造形学部彫刻学科卒業
Born 1963 in Shizuoka, Live in Kanagawa
1987 Graduated from the Department of Sculpture at Musashino Art University
The announcement began in the latter half of the 1980s, and in the early days, he used industrial products such as plywood, galvanized steel sheets, and vinyl sheets as materials to create sculptures such as “shells” containing cavities. Since then, he has pursued a unique view of sculpture by constantly incorporating elements that are not sculptural, using various materials such as furniture, electric cords, lemons, and FRP. In recent years, using ready-made figurines directly, the problem of the duplication of sculptures, which is sometimes political, is expressed by humanoid sculptures made by laminating colorful acrylic plates. The problem of the surface of the sculpture and the invisible cavities, and the danger of the existence of the sculpture that confronts the real (real) and the fake (fake) are developed by a unique methodology with dry humor and nonsense.
- 2011年
- 個展「Shizubi Project 1 人と煙と消えるかたち 袴田京太朗」静岡市美術館(静岡)
- 2014年
- 個展「袴田京太朗展 人と煙、その他」平塚市美術館(神奈川)
- 2021年
- 「DOMANI・明日展2021 スペースが生まれる」国立新美術館(東京)
- 2011
- 2011 〈Human, Smoke, and Disappearing Shape - Kyotaro Hakamata〉 Shizuoka City Museum of Art (Shizuoka)
- 2014
- 〈Kyotaro Hakamata - Human, Smoke, etc.〉The Hiratsuka Museum of Art (Kanagawa )
- 2021
- 〈Domani: The Art of Tomorrow, Exhibition 2021〉The National Art Center(Tokyo)
- 1996-97年
- 五島記念文化賞美術新人賞受賞による海外研修として、中国、チベット、ネパール他に滞在
- 2011
- 第22回タカシマヤ文化基金タカシマヤ美術賞
- 2012
- 平成24年度静岡県文化奨励賞
- 1996-97
- Studied and Stayed in China, Tibet, Nepal, etc. by The Most Promising Young Talent in Fine. Art Division of The Gotoh Memorial Cultural Award
- 2011
- The 22th Takashimaya Art Award ,Takashimaya Culture Foundation
- 2012
- The Shizuoka Prefectural Award of Cultural Advancement