「Loop Line」大洲大作 Loop Line 2022年 eitoeiko photo:大洲大作

大洲大作 /Daisaku OOZU
1973年 大阪府生まれ、神奈川県在住
列車などの車窓にうつろい滲む、営為をうつす光そして影を掬い上げる《光のシークエンス》、果てなく廻り続ける環状線に現在をうつす《Loop Line》などを制作。
Daisaku OOZU
Born in 1973, Osaka. Lives and works in Yokohama. He has been using photography as his main mediumtodepict the tranquil daily activities of life in the form of shifting light and shadow. While maintaining a distance from his subjects, he gradually dammed up the flowingtime and pumped it into his works, which became an abstracted image of society. In this exhibition, Oozu will present works in various media, using the railroad that continues to circle the beltway as a motif, as an attempt to reflect on the days that have changed or remained the same in the midst of disasters.
- 2016年
- さいたまトリエンナーレ2016 旧埼玉県立民俗文化センター(埼玉)
- 2018-19年
- めがねと旅する美術展 青森県立美術館(青森)/島根県立石見美術館(島根)/静岡県立美術館(静岡)
- 2019年
- 大洲大作 未完の螺旋 京成電鉄 旧·博物館動物園駅(東京)
- 2016
- Saitama Triennale 2016 former Saitama Prefectual Folklore Museum(Saitama)
- 2018-19
- To Travel with Glasses Aomori Museum of Art(Aomori), Iwami Art Museum(Shimane), and Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art(Shizuoka)
- 2019
- Daisaku OOZU Unfinished Spiral Keisei Electric Railway former Hakubutsukan-Doubutsuen Station (Tokyo)

「Loop Line」大洲大作 Loop Line 2022年 eitoeiko photo:大洲大作