2020年「パタント絵『ツキノワグマ』とパタント絵『シロクマ』」 諏訪山動物園アートぷろじぇくと/神戸 撮影:東野太

マキコムズ / Makikoms
マスダマキコ 1960年 東京都生まれ、神戸市在住
カワサキマキ 1971年 兵庫県神戸市生まれ、在住
マスダマキコ 、カワサキマキにより2014年結成
Born 1960 in Tokyo, Live in Kobe.
Born 1971 in Kobe, Live in Kobe.
Formed on 2014 by Makiko Masuda and Maki Kawasaki.
Formed in 2014. The first encounter between an assistant and a student in college. Five years later, I met again at the maternity hospital when I was pregnant. While working at the monthly workshop “CAP Saturday Club” at CAP, Makikoms, a workshop unit of Masuda Maki who is good at 3D and Kawasaki Maki who is good at 2D, was formed! It also means that both adults and children will try to think about fun things. Thinking from casual things in everyday life, I come up with huge things, long things, fun things, and interesting things, and make it a participatory modeling workshop. Adults and children are getting serious, and the more ridiculous things are, the more serious they are, the more they feel with their hands, and the more important they are to make them by hand. In addition, he is involved in modeling play at the nursery school once a month, park renewal in Kobe city, ward municipal administration business, venue design, etc. Mother of two children each.・
- 2016年
- 個展「こども図工室とマキコムズ展」/KOBE STUDIO Y3/神戸市
- 2017年
- 個展 マキコムズ展「Face☆かお・顔・カオ」/ギャラリー島田/神戸
- 2022年
- アートで地球とあそぶ!プロジェクトin浜田」「川とあそぶアート展」/浜田市世界こども美術館/島根県
- 2016
- solo exhibition "Children's Drawing Room and Makikoms Exhibition" / KOBE STUDIO Y3 / Kobe, Japan
- 2017
- Solo Exhibition "Face☆かお・顔・カオ"/Gallery Shimada/Kobe, Japan
- 2022
- Playing with the Earth through Art! Project in Hamada" and "Art Exhibition Playing with River"
- 2016年
- 「クリエイティブアワード関西」特別賞
- 2016
- "Creative Award Kansai" Special Prize

2014年 「KOBE PUPET THEATER」神戸居留地路上/神戸

2018年 「自分の手プリプリ人形」(上村亮太とコラボ) C.A.P./神戸