美しい日曜日 Beautiful Sunday 2008年 oil and acrylic on canvas 130.5 x 356.0 cm Photo:Ikuhiro Watanabe ©Tomoko Nagai,Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery / Koyama Art Projects
長井朋子 / Tomoko NAGAI
1982年 愛知県生まれ、現在東京在住
2006年 愛知県立芸術大学美術学部美術科油画専攻卒業
国内外で多数展覧会に参加している他、被災した宮城県の保育所のプールに絵を描くプロジェクト、NHK Eテレへの作品提供、本の装画等幅広く活動する。
Tomoko NAGAI
1982 Born in Aichi,Japan,Currently lives in Tokyo
2006 Graduated from Aichi University of the Arts and Music
In addition to the participation in numerous exhibitions internationally and domestically, Nagai has engaged with broad audiences providing title designs and artworks for television programmes on NHK Educational, as well as creating book covers for a range of publications. She has also taken part in a project in which she painted an entire swimming pool at a nursery school located in the tsunami-stricken area of Miyagi.
In Tomoko Nagai’s artworks, various animals, children, trees and mushrooms are depicted in a theatrical arrangement against the backdrop of forests and domestic rooms. A unique sense of spatiality, wherein a dynamism intricately overlaps with layers of images, the colorful matière and brushstrokes form a fantastical rhythm as the artist exercises an expression akin to composing a musical piece.
Photo:Kenji Takahashi
- 2020年
- 「~天国のように淡くまぶしい、そして~ 'It’s Dazzling Softly Like Heaven,and'」豊川市桜ヶ丘ミュージアム/愛知
- 2011年
- 「JAPANCONGO」Le Magasin - Centre National d'Art Contemporain/フランス
- 2011年
- 「Future Pass - From Asia to the World」Collateral Event of the 54th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia、Abbazia di San Gregorio、Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana/イタリア
- 2020
- “It’s Dazzling Softly Like Heaven, and”Toyokawa City Sakuragaoka Museum, Aichi,Japan
- 2011
- “JAPANCONGO” Le Magasin -Centre National d'Art Contemporain, Grenoble,France
- 2011
- “Future Pass -From Asia to the World” Collateral Event of the 54th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia, Abbazia di San Gregorio, Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana, Venice,Italy
光 Light 2014年 oil on canvas 194.5 x 162.0 cm Photo:Kenji Takahashi ©Tomoko Nagai, Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery / Koyama Art Projects
長い間まってる Waiting for a Long Time 2020年 oil and glitter on canvas 227.3 x 181.8 cm Photo:Kenji Takahashi ©Tomoko Nagai, Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery / Koyama Art Projects